Monday, August 16, 2010

What is the purpose behind viruses attacking your computer?

I've had numerous viruses infect my computer and I'm wondering why? Once they infect (at least the ones I've gotten) slow the computer down so much you can't even navigate.

I don't keep ANY personal history on my PC (no banking, bill paying etc.) so why infect the PC? Aside from ''cookies'' I have nothing on my PC that I believe would be useful to anyone.

What is the purpose behind viruses attacking your computer?live update

Okay this is a little long but please try to fight through it.

First, here's some basic history that's relevant to your questions.

Back in the day -- late 80's to the late 90's almost all viruses, malware, trojans, ect.. were intended to either do malicious damage or display some kind of political or personal view. The authors of these viruses were probably bright young kids or teenagers in developed countries that wanted to prove they could create such a program. Also, viruses back in those days pretty much had a totally different vector of infection. They mainly used floppies and bbs system to propagate.

Now focusing on your question ''What is the purpose behind viruses attacking your computer?'' These days the number one reason for viruses is financially motivated. 99% of all viruses developed today are engineered to make profit for the author. With the advent of the internet, online banking, paypal, ebay, ect.. it makes it ideal for malicious software to take advantage of these services.

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