Monday, August 16, 2010

Why do people write computer viruses?

Is there anything that can be gained from infecting other peoples' computers or are the people that do write viruses just have too much time on their hands?

Why do people write computer viruses?aurora

It could be lucrative depending on what the virus was written to do. Some viruses sit on your system and spy on everything you do, including entering credit card numbers and passwords.

Other viruses are written by kids who are fascinated by their new found power to create computer programs.

EDIT: The guy below me is wrong. Virus is an umbrella term. Spyware is considered a virus.

Why do people write computer viruses?download

Sure if they know what they are doing,Some of them just do it to prove to the BIG computer companies that they can do it,infected millions of computers at a time instead of just a few.By writing codes to send bots,they can remotely control your computer, to log keystrokes to gain passwords and other vital information and also send spam e-mails from your computer.
Viruses usually delete/steal your files, stop your computer/other stuff from working..

Viruses do not spy on you, or steal your credit card numbers, passwords, ect..

Thats spyware.

Which also can delete/steal your files, stop your computer from working, and they can track what you do.

Keyloggers track what keys you press, to steal your credit card number, password, ect.

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