Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Why do people send out viruses or make scams up?

do these people really have nothing else better to do? whats the motivation behind people who send out viruses and malware and stuff to other peoples' computers?

Why do people send out viruses or make scams up?spyware remove

Good programmer + Bad person + nothing to do = creating viruses

Why do people send out viruses or make scams up?virus protection

m8 be sure by 100% that they are so sick ppl .

and some of them gain money from this way to hack the others computers but this is so bad way to gain money

and 70 % of them i ment who make Viruses or Hacking programs and sent it to the network they do it for Avenge from something !!!!!!!!!!!!

don't wonder about them

and don't forget that we live in a Wild World

so take care ;)
I think you have answered your own question. They have nothing better to do and they apparently enjoy hurting others and bring pain and suffering to those who do not deserve it.
Some people, who are programming them wanted to know, if they can disturb the prevent against such thinks. Other people hope to get special personal information, like Banking-Infos or adresses on this way.
A virus is a little or big program. Virus creater(young boys or girls) can't run viruses on their own PCs lol They just want to check their viruses or destroy someone PC for fun or showing that they are the best programer in the world.
well, people make viruses to find out personal informations (using spyware). this informations can be useful 4 them or 4 making bad to the others (including entreprises). some of thoses people send viruses and produce a good antivirus. they can earn money by sellig it and, of course, the infected people will have to buy it 9I am NOT talking about big companys or entreprises ; i know they`re honest. i`m talking about home virus infections and all that stuff). some of those people don`t have what to do, but they usually send viruses, spyware, malware with a certain purpose or maybe they were infected, something bad happend because of this and they only want to revange. some of them only want to show that they r good programmators.
usually to get attention or make a fraud.... get personal data.... etc etc
One of the reasons behind this is control. A person who makes a virus, trojan or malware, and has it sent out to thousands of computers, can control all of those computers all at once. Usually to gain control over another, more secure computer, or to take down a network or website with all of these thousands of computer banging away at a website all at once. They are slaves (zombies), the virus writer is the master.

Another reason is to get your personal information, like Social Security, credit card or banking information, for the obvious reasons, to make money and rip you off. They are thieves. Plain and simple.

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