Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can the intel macbook get viruses?

Because... The new Imac has a mind of the PC too..? So can the new intel imac get viruses?

Can the intel macbook get viruses?photoshop

There are no MacOs X viruses released in the wild. There is one form of malware for MacOs X which requires you to agree to download it (from a porn site), put in your password and agree to install it. If you use Bootcamp and install a version of Windows on a MacBook, the partition of the hard drive that has Windows on it can get one of the 115,000 Windows viruses. You would need to install an anti-virus application on the Windows side. If you got a Windows virus, the virus would not contaminate the MacOsX side, it would stay safe.

Can the intel macbook get viruses?symatec

the os gets the viurs not the hardware
long answer : viruses are operating system based , since windows has such crap security it has a ton of viruses, os x does not because it is based on unix (of which linux is a branch off of and linux runs 60 % of the worlds websites .) they use the x86 architecture but they will have no virus issues.

short answer : no
If you run windows through boot camp, then're just as likely to get a virus as a normal PC...but if you're just using OSX...there's really not that many viruses that are written for's not worth the time with such a small user base
People who actually base their choices on what computer to buy off of things like which computer will get more viruses are wasting their time.

Yes, the Mac has fewer viruses intended for them, and PC's are more vulnerable, but unless you're physically opening the viruses you won't run into any troubles, just set up a router to block out people who try to access your computer.

If you're gullible enough to open a virus then it's your own fault, not the OS's. I have ran both XP and Vista for the last 4 years and have never had a virus, I don't use Norton or McAfee or anything, it's just common sense and a router. I can't imagine how many terabytes I have downloaded over the last few years.

But yes, they will be susceptible to viruses if you allow them to be.

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