Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can Media: Audio/Video have viruses?

Because I used to download vids of aBum, and someone said that it's if you download em. But I always thought viruses/spyware are only in .exe or .zip or .rare.

Also, same thing goes for music downloaded from limewire.


Can Media: Audio/Video have viruses?agv

I think they don't have viruses.. but some video has links like it is showing to the video ''please download this software to play the video'' then when you download the software you will get tons of virus and trojan.

Can Media: Audio/Video have viruses?antivirus software

Viruses can only exist in code that is executed (run) on the computer. There are a variety of extensions that are executed, including .exe .bat and so on. To be safe ensure you allways use a virus scanner, and scan suspect files online here ( ). This will use loads of virus scanners to ensure your file is clean.
yes there can be viruses in videos just run a virus scan ever week. and lime wire is not very safe any more you should try frost wire almost the same thing but started lately and really has no viruses.

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