Monday, August 16, 2010

The Compound Light Microscope and Viruses?

Consider what you know about the capabilities of the compound light microscope. Why can't you see any viruses that might be inside a cell with the strongest compound light microscope?

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Viruses are very small and cannot be magnified properly even with the use of the strongest compoud light microscope as you say it. you need a more powerful microscope... the electron microscope to view viruses in detail.

Most viruses which have been studied have a capsid diameter between 10 and 300 nanometres. Most viruses are unable to be seen with a light microscope HOWEVER some are as large or larger than the smallest bacteria and can be seen under high optical magnification of a light microscope.

The Compound Light Microscope and Viruses?ktm

i can never keep the different types of microscopes straight,

but i am guessing that the virus is too small to see.

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