Monday, August 16, 2010

Am I still protected from viruses?

My Norton Internet Security expired but it still says that Im protected from viruses, is it true?

Am I still protected from viruses?microsoft office

You are up to a point. Because of the ever changing threats that pop up, your older version may not cover them. The bad guys are always coming up with new ways to hurt peoples computers.

If any threats arise that you already have coverage for, you would be protected from them. Hope this helps.

Am I still protected from viruses?norton antivirus

Only the old viruses, what happens is you do not get the updates. You can delete Norton and then go to and get AVG for free
What that means is you are protected from all of the viruses that it knows of to the date when it started saying that. Now since it has expired and it won't update it's definitions it will never be able to catch newer viruses.. So at this point your computer is still very vulnerable.. Plan on getting a new anti-virus very very soon.
You are protecte dromt he virus' that are already registered in your software, but as you should know, there are new virus' everyday. I suggest you purchase the new program or download a free antivirus., for example

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